About Oz Brown (866) 220-4777
Professional software engineer focused on website applications using Java/Spring MVC or WordPress with PHP/MySQL custom development. Successful background in product development and business management. Complete cooperation with clients and fellow team members to achieve project goals. Solution focused, drawing on a vast skill set of software engineering, object-oriented programming, website design, and multimedia projects.
Skills and Services
- Java/Spring MVC
- Java Web Apps
- Javascript/JQuery
- Spring Framework
- Iterative & TDD Development
- Design & Architecture
- Hibernate ORM
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Java Trainer/Coach
My Work (866) 220-4777
Click each of the images to open a new window to the site.
Social (866) 220-4777
- LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/ogbrown
- Facebook - Web Applications Development facebook.com/sbogb
- Twitter - Web Applications Development twitter.com/sbogb